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Translations of Selected Lyrics of Persone from Esperanto

By Sahand Rabbani

Oh Were It Simple

At a coffee table with a glass of beer,
We toss words into the air like sand.
I try my luck and guess,
But the words of sand only respond so:

I like her (yes, I know);
She likes me (or so it seems).
Oh were it simple, but it isn't.

Home at night: the time is late.
Truth hides behind the veil of speech.
If words will not reveal the mystery of the future,
I will search for the omen in leaves of tea.

I like her...

Sometimes, as if a marionette,
Danced an ornate silhouette.

At three in the morning she leaves, too early.
I am alone in the company of dawn.
"Will I see her again?" I ask the sun.
"Will fortune await me in her heart?"

I like her...
Povus esti simple

Cxe kafeja tablo kaj glasoj da bier'
Jxetas ni la vortojn kiel sablon tra l' aer'
Provas mi diveni per geomanci'
Sed la sablaj vortfiguroj nur respondas tion cxi:

Mi sxatas sxin (jes, mi scias)
Sxi sxatas min (tiel sxajnas)
Povus esti simple, sed estas ne

Hejmen en la nokto, malfrua teregal'
La vero kasxas sin malantaux la parolvual'
Se vortoj ne rivelos la enigmon de l' futur'
Mi en la tefolioj sercxos gvidon de auxgur'

Mi sxatas sxin...

Iam kvazaux marionet'
Dancis ajxura siluet'

Je la tria horo sxi jam iras for
Restas sola mi kun akompano de auxror'
Cxu mi sxin revidos, mi demandas al la sun'
Cxu en sxia koro min atendas la fortun'?

Mi sxatas sxin...

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